Brother Secretaries and Directors,
I greet you all warmly and trust you and your loved ones are staying well and safe.
As you are all aware the Operational Plan/Procedure which has been formulated specific to SMH has taken into consideration all Government and scientific advice and guidance. Therefore, brethren may notice that this guidance varies from other Masonic Centres for many reasons i.e. premise footprint & size, number of floors, available ventilation, number of meetings, number of temples in premises, ingress & egress arrangements etc.
Following receipt of a number of summonses it is considered necessary to clarify a number of issues which have been noted which are not permissible or mandatory.
- The singing of the National Anthem at the closing of the meeting.
- Signing in and signing of the minutes book.
- The lodge is not to be Tyled (doors not closed) therefore the Tyler will be considered in the same space and is therefore to be included in the total number of 15 present.
- There is no mention of the designated stewards. However, if the stewards attend the meeting they are also to be included in the total number of 15.
Additional Information.
The hand held Infra-red thermometers have been placed on the shelf immediately below the Fire alarm panel, in main foyer, these are to be cleaned and replaced after use.
At the end of the meeting please ensure all lights and doors are closed and the main entrance inner doors are secured. The responsible person should notify the nominated person as indicated to all secretaries, giving 15 minutes, who will attend the Hall and secure the front door and set the Intruder Alarm.
Should the Enforcing Authority attend on an unannounced inspection and find the regulations have not been adhered too it will be the responsibility of the offending Lodge/Order to ensure compliance as instructed and if of a serious nature to pay any fine applicable.
Brethren please do not take this communication as dictatorial but to ensure the safety and well-being of all is maintained during these unprecedented times.
I trust all will go well and look forward to meeting up in the not too distant future when we can at last return to some form of normality.
Yours Sincerely & Fraternally,
Phil Crayford
Chairman SMHCL