Brethren All,
I greet you all warmly and trust that you and your loved ones are safe and well.
The Executive Board of SMHCL is extremely pleased to inform you that SMH will be re-opening its doors on Tuesday the 24Th November 2020. However, as you would expect, to ensure the well-being and welfare of the brethren in satisfying the Legislative requirements and guidance from UGLE & PGL during these unprecedented times there will be limitations and requirements imposed.
Attached is the revised Operational Plan/Procedure which must be adopted by all Lodges/Degrees who use the Hall which is self-explanatory. Changes to the previously communicated Plan are as follows and indicated in RED on the Plan:
- Limit on attendees to 15 in Major and Minor temples.
- The wearing of face coverings is mandatory while traversing the building.
- Mandatory non use of Organ and no singing.
- There is no longer the need for Secretaries to send summonses and attendees list to SMHCL prior to the meeting. (REMOVED)
- It is Mandatory for W.Bro, Terry Webber to receive a copy of all summonses and to be notified of all cancelled meetings. Additionally, the completed attendees list following a meeting.
Additionally, the NHS bar code to be used in conjunction with the mobile app is posted for those who wish to use it; this is an addition and not a replacement to the records of attendees required by secretaries.
Due to time constraints it will not be possible to deliver training to stewards; however, questions can be forwarded by email including telephone contact to W. Bro Terry Webber and an appropriate response will be made.
I trust you will look forward to returning to some form of normality and look forward to meeting up with you all in the near future as the restrictions continue to ease.
Yours Sincerely & Fraternally,
Phil Crayford
Chairman SMHCL